Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cheryl Mizell

You can listen to me from: 6 AM to 7 AM on Saturdays...I host "Community Voices," our public affairs talk show. Birthday & Sign: I'm a Lioness born August 21st Hometown: Originally from the Magic City - Miami, but also spent a great part of my life in the Chocolate City - D.C. How long have you been in radio: Since 1990 Role Models: Jesus, Madame C.J. Walker (America's first self-made female millionaire), MLK, George Fraser and My Mom & Dad When I'm not on air, I like: Giving back to youth and the community, voicing radio and TV commercials around the country with my new company, Cheryl Mizell Voice Productions, Inc., hangin' out with Maya, my new adorable niece, playing with my dogs, reading, writing, music, singing, dancing the night away, playing piano, acting, the arts, exercising, spa days, relaxing at the beach, movies, sci-fi, new technology and cool gadgets. Favorite all-time artists: Maxwell, John Lucien, Phyllis Hyman, Janet Jackson and Sweet Honey in the Rock Favorite Song: "Gingi" by Jean Carne Favorite Sports Team: GO Miami Central ROCKETS & Howard U. BISONS !!! I can't stand: People who lie, cheat, steal and other low-lifes Life-long dream: Developing my family reunion into a well organized networking organization to benefit current and future generations Worse Job Experience: Filing all day in the Dean's office when I was in college If I was president, my vice president would be: A person I can trust, who has good values, is very smart, respectable and happens to be a lawyer -- my "sistafriend" Thomasina Williams! Words to live by: The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I can be reached at: CCMizell@aol.com


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